Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Loving this yoga!

This class was... awesome. I did a headstand from a crow pose for the very first time. Went to the gym twice since we last updated, and walked a lot. Ali really knows how to make her videos fancy, not only does she provide a calming track of her voice (for this video I love that there is no music) she also pauses at certain poses so that the viewer can get a better pose stretch! Loving this.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Yesterday 6.25 Miles, Today EASY morning yoga

That's right, yesterday was insanity with 6.25 miles, the most I think since 2013. And today I did a nice simple, and enjoyable class with my host family mother!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Long Gym, Long Yoga.

Yesterday was quite a challenge. After rehearsal I accomplished the following (not in any particular order, I usually superset everything):
4x8 pull ups (different grips)
3x20 curls
3x10 dips
200 Pushups
100 decline situps
10 min on elliptical

Then this morning I decided I would do a bit more of a challenging class! As far as her classes go, this is challenging. 2 sets of 10 sun salutation Syranamasgar A and then B... with lunges and chair, plus some balancing and well, this one is just overall challenging. 43 minutes of... err... bliss!

Monday, May 4, 2015

20 min easy fun!

After yesterdays monster training, this 20 minute class was just the ticket. I really enjoyed the side plank modifications, and my host family even joined me for this delightful class! The most difficult piece for her were the pigeon poses at the end! A side note about Ali K, she LOVES pigeon pose... maybe one day my hips will be as open as hers.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I'm beat

5 miles later, I'm exhausted. Finished the second half of the 200 push-up challenge. I probably won't give that up until this weekend. Admittedly, my arms hurt, but the downward facing dogs seem to be working out all the kinks. The sit up routine I did on an incline was probably the worst idea I've head in fitness-- my back is torqued up. 

Beginner Yoga and still sweating

It was so nice to connect with my roots today, my host mother did this class all the way through with me and despite the "beginner" title, it was still quite a challange. I particularly enjoyed coming back to cobra and childs-pose instead of down dog. Of course we did this too. With the side planks, even though they were modified, I re-modified them and this class was quite a workout. Short, 30 minute class. Perfect.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Relief after a rough day

This was an absolutely incredible class. Even after doing these classes for a few years I'm still surprised by new classes I've never done before. It has been a rougher two days. I had a little bit too much to drink two days ago after I went to the gym and did curls, that other 100 pushups that I didn't accomplish that morning,  situps on an inlcine (and I'm still sore today), as well as pull ups... this was the perfect class to get centered back on track.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sweaty Thursday, Santa Cruz

Lucky enough to have my host family mother join me for this class. I always knew these classes were challenging, but after 2 years, I guess I'm used to the fast-paced down-dogs and double chatarangas. Polished this class off with an extra 200 push-ups!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ali's healing stones made me want to do pushups.

Now I've done a lot of Ali's classes but this one by far is the most difficult, not so much for the beginning but about 30 minutes in she does some incredible locking poses that my hips just aren't open enough for. Definitely got me going for a sweat. I'm going to try and supplement pushups into my workout routine to see if I can add some upper body mass! 

3 Mile Run

Was feeling, for my second workout of the day... a little runnage. So I took a nice run to the park near Grand Ave? I think that's the street of it. Took a pretty good pace, under 8:30 miles, with some of the run being under 7:45! Maybe I'll try running 2-3 times a week. I'm not sure about getting a gym membership with the opera company. It always makes yoga incredibly mored difficult because my muscles are so torn up... who knows!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Long Class

Started out the day right with this difficult class. It is CHALLENGING. Lots of wheels, and about 10 minutes total with pigeon. This is something that will get you started! I'm going to have to do something easy tomorrow after this!

Yoga with Ali

OK, so if you ask me, I'll tell you: I'm a big believer in yoga. It works your whole body, it boosts your metabolism... etc. I don't pay for yoga usually, and this is why, Ali Kamenova yoga is THE BEST. It has yoga for every level, HIIT workouts, and workouts designed to target specific parts of your body and specific times you have to work out! And she starts off every class with "Namaste Beautiful Yogis". Can't really go wrong with that?

This summer, while I'm at St. Louis Opera Theatre (OTSL), I'm gonna give you all some updates about what kind of workouts I'm doing, and I'll put a rating next to them/video/workout that I do.

Moderate-Hard, 35 min.
Yesterday morning I did this class: It's designed for before work wake-you-up, and it does. It has some difficult balances with the warrior three transitions, plus one legged chairs. Anything with an arm balance is difficult too, and this one has 2 sets for each side. It's worth it though, it gets you sweating! It was the greatest thing at 11:30 AM In the morning for a long day of work.